Start With You!
Follow along with the latest sustainable projects, informative pieces and tips and tricks for living life with less plastic!

Don Valley Stewardship Group Keeps the Momentum Going Despite Pandemic
With the amount of snow cover, Don’t Mess with the Don (DMWTD) has been very quiet. Last year by the end of January they had already done five POPUP cleanups. So far in 2022, the only one was on New Year’s Day....but it was a good one! Check it out here. DMWTD does have BIG plans for 2022 with their Cleanup Event season kickoff on Saturday April 23rd. This coincides with...

Don’t Mess with the Don
Keeping Ravines Clean! Don't Mess With the Don is an all volunteer Canadian registered charity committed to protecting and enhancing the natural heritage of the Don Valley and Toronto ravines. Founded in April 2018 by a core group of 5 members, Don't Mess with the Don was begun as an initiative by Toronto's Don trail users to fight the problem of systematic dumping of...

Echo CleanUp – Wayne Mouland
Recently, we found out about the passing of Wayne Mouland, founder of Echo CleanUp - a non-profit organization dedicated to cleaning up the green spaces and waterfronts around Lake Ontario. We wanted to share this blog, written a while ago, about the amazing work that he did, in honour of all of the positive changes that he made on our planet. Our thoughts go out to his...

Micro Plastics
Micro Plastics Plastic, this amazing invention from the early 1900’s. A synthetic material, that can be moulded, stretched, extruded and pressed into solid objects of any shape, size or density. It is versatile, lightweight, hygienic and flexible. But most of all, it is DURABLE and It has been “User friendly” for over a century. So when did it become so Evil? Plastic is...

Home Sustainability – 2021 Resolutions
It might seem crazy to believe we can, individually, make an impact on the global ecosystem, by simply saying NO to plastic bags, composting, recycling, going paperless… but where to start? Buddhists believe that if an ant crosses inside a temple and leaves with a grain on its back, it has stolen from the temple’s property. This is the subliminal impact we must...

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